Photograph Questionnaire - Things to Consider -Stuff I will need to know from you


Type of Project to be photographed

Large Residential               4 + Rooms?

Medium Residential         up to 3 rooms?

Kitchen/Bathroom/Laundry Renovation?

Other type of project?

Are you

The Owner?

The Designer?

The Builder?

Other interested party?

Type of images required and their intended use

Design Practice Portfolio – print, website or Design Awards submission

Advertising / Real Estate – print, website

Photos for client – and in what format – print or disk

Before and After progress photos for builders/contractors

As-Built photos for completed works for builders/contractors

General documentation photos – general building conditions for business and assets reports

Height/Access issue photographs

Small detail photos of building features

Other types of photos – please describe your requirements

File Format Requirements for end use.

For the photos required, Are there specific file formats required for these photos  for their end use? ie. JPEG, Raw/NEF, GIF, Bitmap

Specific Image Size Requirements for end use

Are there specific image size requirements for these photos.

Rates and Charges applicable

Residential Projects as described above have the indicated rates applied to them.

All other types of projects are available on request and different rates apply to these projects based on the volume of work.

In order to best provide you with these services, please describe the project for  these intended images, with special regard to special features and details you might wish to highlight apart from the overall building, such as the period or era when it was built, method of construction  and features, finishes and details.

Details of your project requirements, site location, use of images etc can be emailed to

Other questions you might have might be the following.

  • Is photo editing included in your rate? – yes a certain level is provided
  • How long will it take for you to provide the photos? – Depends on the nature of the shoot, the weather a factor for exteriors, tidiness of the interior/exterior would be an advantage, a couple of hours on site and then back for editing and composition, approximately two weeks or thereabout dependant on the above.
  • Do you do home staging? – no I do not – your real estate agent for open days would or can provide this and photographs could be taken at that time
  • What happens if I don't like the first round of photos? – Consultation on images is available to work out your likes and dislikes, your availability if possible on the day of the shoot is critical to obtaining those images you like, in the first place.
  • Do you offer consultations prior to the shoot? – yes, to establish what you are after
  • I do have a rates sheet for this for the services offered.

If you require any further information with regard to the service provided, do not hesitate to contact me so that I may answer any questions you may have.